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Hallertau Deception Schwarzbier
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“Congratulations on selecting the Hallertau Deception Schwarzbier

Bitter. Sweet. Coffee.....
I’ve created the perfect match for this beer"” - Josh Emett

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Hallertau Deception Schwarzbier

Hallertau Deception Schwarzbier

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Awards / Reviews

Auckland’s Best Craft Beer - Metro Magazine Awards

This number is not what he seems. A bit of a trickster really. Smooth. Firm. Dark. Light. Bitter. Sweet. Coffee. Intricate. Chocolate. Subterfuge. You’ve been warned.

Handmade for freshness, we take traditional recipes and give them a good twisting, squeezing out new sensations. There’s no artificial hoodwinking, just the simple things done properly, to guarantee hopping good beer.

New Zealand

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